Android Study Jams 2021-22 Journey


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Android Study Jams 2021-22 Journey

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Hi everyone! ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธ

Rishabh here, I'm a Google DSC Lead and an Android Developer, currently doing my Undergrad in Computer Engineering. Thanks for taking out the time for a short read, this is my first blog and today I'm sharing my experience as an Android Facilitator for Google Developer Student Club PHCET.

This whole journey started with the Android Study Jams program introduced by Google Developer Student Clubs, based around learning the Android Basics in Kotlin and completing the course by earning all the 16 badges, 1 for completing each pathway of the course.

The whole course was very well designed, divided into 6 Units with a total of 16 Pathways, each consisting of a mix of Videos, Codelabs and/or Projects, covering the Modern Android Development fundamentals, along with the most popular and recommended libraries, mostly from Android Jetpack.

We conducted 4 events here at Google Developer Student Club PHCET under the Android Study Jams program between 9th Dec 2021 - 10th Jan 2022, which was attended by 200+ Individual student developers, many of whom were able to successfully complete the course by the end of the program, these 4 events started from the very introduction of Android OS and Kotlin programming language to more advanced concepts such as RecyclerView and Navigation Components and using ViewModel to make a better app architecture.

It was a great experience teaching other students from our community about Android Development, and helping them wherever they faced challenges throughout the month-long program. I myself had a lot of fun and excitement as many concepts that I came across during this course were new to me, and to teach other students, first I had to myself fully understand the concept, which I realised in the best way to learn anything.

As the new year started and I had almost finished the course myself, I'd started developing an Application to learn all the concepts that I'd learn throughout this course, some of the cool features mainly from android jetpack libraries that we learnt about and I'd used while making this app are LiveData, ViewModel, RoomDB, Navigation Components, Navigation Graph, NavArgs Plugin, DataBinding and many more interesting libraries.

As the Android Study Jams program came to an end, I was done with the course myself, completed developing the alpha version of the app and launched the app on the Google Play Store! (Quite excited about this :p)

Yesterday, got an email from Google Developers with a Certificate of Appreciation stating that I'm officially recognised as an Educator for Android by Google Developers! ๐Ÿฅณ Check out the Certificate here :D

With this, this amazing Journey of me as an Android Facilitator for the Android Study Jams program 2021-22 comes to an end, though I'll still continue to learn more and help others learn more about android and the other technologies that I love and care about, hence with this blog I start my journey as a tech blogger ^_^ where for now, I'm planning to write blogs about my journey as a developer and Google DSC Lead, as well as I'll start writing blogs on Android Development and Implementing various things in Android.

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading out my very first blog, I hope you have a wonderful day! :D

My Socials:

The app I made is open-sourced here
